Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week 5 - Plum Jam

Last week I got a phone call from my mum asking if I wanted any plums and of course, given I don't really like plums I said no thanks... then I thought hang on.. I can make plum jam! So my lovely mother went and hand picked 2 shopping bags full of plums for me to make jam! I have to admit, mum did tell me what I had to do: pre-sterilise the jars, keep the windows and doors closed (why?!), make sure there is a tea towel on the bench to put jars on and of course you need to seal them with cellophane not a lid - who knew!

Another friend of mine causally mentioned last night that I should get Jam Sugar - he husband told her about it. Again, who knew! So off to Karori shops I trek to get my cellophane and Jam Sugar.

Surprisingly, it was easy to make the actual jam. Even I can't muck up add plums, add sugar and stir occasionally! I guess the proof will be in the jam if it's set! I only make three jars last night, so will head to the shops today to get some more sugar and make some more today.

I am yet to make the material covers for the tops, but see below!

The jars waiting to be sterilised

The ingredients

Sterilising the jars in oven

Dissolving the sugar over a low heat

Boiling the mixture on high

The finished product - note the tea towel

The Jam up close! check out the seals!

What do you think? Have you ever made Jam? Next time I might try Raspberry Jam! As a kid I have fond memories of mum making jams and pickles etc and I always thought it was super hard and it make truckloads but this has shown me it's not too hard (although I am sure my mum did it differently back then!) and it doesn't make 500 jars that I can't store anywhere!

Hope your week goes well with a Public Holiday to start! Mine is exciting: extra day off work then my sister arrives then we are going to Napier for a girls weekend!

Until next week



  1. Your Jam looks great!

    I've had success with Marmalade. My Mum bottled fruit, made jam and froze veges too.

  2. Yum that looks delicious. Well done B!
