Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week 2 - Quilt

A wee while ago now (hmmmm at least 18 months ago) I was told by a friend that she was pregnant - my first thought was WOW that is awesome - my second thought was I am going to make her a quilt for the baby. When she was 6 months pregnant (about 15 months ago) I went out and brought all the fabric and cotton that I needed and got a little help to cut out all the squares. Bare in mind here I have NEVER made a quilt in my life, in fact I don't even really know how to sew! But I was determined. I borrowed a friends sewing machine (which kinda broke at least 3 times).. clearly that wasn't working for me! I then enlisted another friend to give me "supervised" sewing help! A few rows were created and I was on cloud 9! I then spoke to DH and he agreed that instead of trucking out each week to borrow a sewing machine I should just buy my own... well give a girl an inch... GONE in a flash - I was at Spotlight doing some research into sewing machines! I settled on a Brother and home with me it came. I learnt pretty quickly how to thread it and to get cotton on the bobbin!

I went like a bat out of hell and got the front finished and the batting done and attached to the backing then stopped! (note: at this stage the baby has been born and is about 6 months old!) I went to a quilting night class with a friend and grasped the concept of putting the binding on and knew I could get this quilt finished!

Well another wee while went by and still the quilt stayed put. After the idea of this whole website and my DH comment on finishing something I start was playing on my mind abit - so out came my laptop and You Tube became my friend. Then out came the quilt and I have FINISHED it! I am well pleased with how the quilt turned out. Even though, I couldn't sew in a straight line and my hand sewing is shocking - I am hoping my friend likes it and even more that her now 9 1/2 month old baby gets some use out of it!!! I enjoyed making the quilt and will be doing another one at some point in the not too distant future... I would love to say watch this space, alas, I cannot put another quilt on here - you better keep an eye on Facebook!

Anyway, enough blurb - here are some pics!!

The front

The back

Flat Front

Let me know what you think! I only couriered the quilt yesterday so I'm hoping she gets it by the time she reads the blog!

Until next week, take care and hope you enjoy the project! Don't forget to leave a comment! There will be spot prizes for comments on blog! You never know what you might get in the post!


1 comment:

  1. Well done you!! I'll give you some sewing-in-a-straight-line lessons and you can give me some quilting lessons. It looks so lovely and I bet the recipient is going to have a wee tear in her eye when she opens it.
